FemernTunnel_Illustration - ©Femern A/S

Welcome To Our Region

Lolland-Falster is a pivotal gateway between Scandinavia and continental Europe,
soon to be enhanced by the Femern Tunnel opening in 2029.

The municipalities of Lolland and Guldborgsund offer vast opportunities for
large-scale production, logistics, and small to medium-sized enterprises.

We warmly welcome investors and businesses,
providing strong political support and exceptional services to ensure your success.

Wind turbines in Lolland

Denmark’s Green Growth Hub

Lolland-Falster distinguishes itself among Danish regions with an outstanding sustainability profile, characterized by a diverse mix of renewable energy sources.

The region has achieved significant advancements in sustainable and renewable energy, establishing itself as a leader in Denmark.

Various factors contribute to Lolland-Falster’s preeminence in renewable energy, making it a benchmark for excellence in sustainability.

Investment Opportunities

Discover the Value of Investing in Lolland-Falster

When considering your next investment, Lolland-Falster offers exceptional value for money. Our region boasts attractive commercial sites seamlessly integrated with modernized infrastructure.

In comparison to nearby cities, Lolland-Falster provides competitive advantages with lower costs of living, salaries, and office rentals. Investing here ensures you maximize your returns while benefiting from a strategic location and robust infrastructure.

A Rapidly Developing Region of Denmark

Lolland-Falster is experiencing rapid development, soon placing 12 million consumers within a few hours’ reach. This creates significant investment opportunities in heavy industry, transport and logistics, food, retail, and tourism.

Learn how you can participate in this growth and discover more about the support organization driving these advancements:
Business Lolland-Falster.

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