Gedser Harbor

Enormous potential for commercial and cultural development in Denmark's nature-rich, southernmost point

Gedser Harbor

Lolland-Falster is experiencing a surge in commercial activity, tourism, and demographic growth. Scandlines, in partnership with Guldborgsund Municipality and Business Lolland-Falster, aims to leverage this momentum to attract further investment.

Focus on Coastal Development
The coastal areas of Lolland-Falster, especially Gedser, Denmark’s southernmost point, offer significant investment potential. Gedser Harbor is ripe for development for both commercial and tourism purposes. Historically, the harbor has been centered around ferry traffic between Gedser and Rostock, and this will continue as an important corridor to continental Europe.

Enhanced Regional Activity
The upcoming Fehmarn tunnel will boost regional activity, increasing the demand for ferry services between Gedser and Rostock. Gedser’s rich ecology and thriving local species make it an attractive destination for nature tourism, both on land and at sea.

Vast Investment Opportunities
There are enormous opportunities for commercial services in hospitality, tourism, and culture. We seek visionary and creative investors to develop these sectors.

Support for Investors
Business Lolland-Falster is eager to assist with development and planning, facilitating contact between investors and relevant parties.

Key Highlights

  • Rapidly growing region with strong commercial and tourism sectors
  • Significant potential in Gedser Harbor for commercial and tourism development
  • Boost from the upcoming Fehmarn tunnel
  • Attractive destination for nature tourism
  • Strong support from Business Lolland-Falster

Join us in developing the vibrant and promising region of Lolland-Falster.

Investment potential right at the heart of the eastern corridor to continental Europe.



  • Knuthenborg Safaripark  56 km
  • Marielyst Beach  15 km
  • Shopping  24 km
  • Dining  24 km
  • Fuglsang Museum  31 km
  • Nykøbing F.  24 km
  • Copenhagen  155 km

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Need help?

Call us to hear which plots and buildings are available at Gedser Harbor, or we can assist in determining the solutions that fit your needs.

Mads Stærk

Head of business development

+45 2324 4521